Back from somewhere

Monday, September 3, 2007

So Dan and I have been running around in circles for the last month or so.

First Dan starts getting shipping to France, then I came for a Paris trip on the weekend, then vacation to Greece the following weekend for a week. We get back from vacation with Dan needing to return to the France site, and the Tampa office needing me to go to Ft. Campbell for an issue on the project I turned over to the other radar engineer there. I got to see some family in Florida on the way back, luckily. I'm back in Germany as of yesterday, but I thought I lost my keys to the apartment, turns out we left them in my bike bag, but I find them today, after Dan had already driven back to Germany from France to pick me up from the airport, take a nap and eat and then drive back. Sigh. Sad part is, I kinda like that kind of schedule. Though I prefer it when Dan and I are in the same place.

I think we both miss home but are taking these times for what they are, a good experience.
